Text to picture

Hey guys, I created a web visualization for w2vec translated text. It basically generates a picture from your text using w2vec representations for words and a chosen palette.

Pick a color palette from above and write some text below (the picture updates when you press space or on paste :) )

Got the 10000 most used english words representations from the word2vec algorithm. The word representations are from polyglot-en.pkl

The color palettes are the most popular color palettes from color-hex as of 30 December 2017.

    import pickle
    import json
	import math
	import numpy as np

	dict = {}
	interesting_words = []
	with open("google-10000-english.txt") as f:
		interesting_words = f.readlines()

	with open('polyglot-en.pkl', 'rb') as f:
		data = pickle.load(f)
		for idx, it in enumerate(data[1]):
			x = np.asarray(list(it))
			it = x / np.linalg.norm(x)
		for idx, it in enumerate(data[0]):
			vec = data[1][idx]
			vec = vec * 128 + 128
			dict[data[0][idx].lower()] =  ["%d" % x for x in vec]
		newdict = {}
		for word in interesting_words:
			word = word.strip()
			word = word.lower()
				newdict[word] = dict[word]
		with open('wemb.json', 'w') as outfile:
			json.dump(newdict, outfile)

The main workhorse for this is the doImage, it draws the vectors pixel by pixel into the canvas

	function doImage( pidx)
		current_pidx = pidx;
		sentence = textarea.value
		words = sentence.split(' ')
		if(words.length < 2)
		wordsprel = []
		for(var idx = 0 ; idx < words.length; idx++)
			var newword =""
			var oldword = words[idx].toLowerCase()
			for(var vidx= 0 ; vidx < oldword.length; vidx++)
				c = oldword.charAt(vidx)
					newword += c;
			if(newword != "")
		words = wordsprel
		var sentencelen = words.length
		var image = []
		var unkn = worddict["balloon"]
		var times = 8
		var timesh = 8
		var seed =words.length
		for( var idx = 0 ; idx < sentencelen; idx++){
				wordcheck = words[idx].toLowerCase()
				var wordvec = []
				if(wordcheck in worddict)
					wordvec = worddict[wordcheck]
					wordvec = unkn
				for(var id = 0 ; id < timesh ;id++)
		lab_color_palette = pallets[pidx].colors.map(x => rgb2lab(hexToRgb(x)));
		var veclen = image[0].length * times
		var thecanvas = document.getElementById('canvas');
		thecanvas.width = image.length;
		thecanvas.height = veclen;
		var imgData = ctx.createImageData(image.length,veclen);
		var data = imgData.data;
		var k =0
		var rand = new Random(seed );
		for(var i = 0; i < image.length; i++)
			for(var j = 0; j< image[0].length; j++)
				var c = image[i][j]
				var l = c * 100/256
				index = rand.next()%lab_color_palette.length
				var a = lab_color_palette[index][1]
				var b = lab_color_palette[index][2]
				rgb = lab2rgb([l,a,b])
				for (var l = 0 ; l< times; l++)

					data[k++] = rgb[0];
					data[k++] = rgb[1];
					data[k++] = rgb[2];
					data[k++] = 255;
		ctx.putImageData(imgData, 0, 0);

I did this small javascript app while I was training my deep neural network to categorize wikipedia comments for a kaggle contest. I found it interesting, hope you like it.